
Below are some websites and apps to assist your Spiritual growth


Neither Gospel Baptist Church, nor its leadership assumes any responsibility for the content of the sites listed below or condones any contradictory beliefs or practices maintained by the site owners, if there be such. The following sites are listed for your convenience and to provide information or resources that are helpful to you. If you discover one of the links is no longer working, please feel free to contact us. Thank you.

New Hope Residential Centre

Are you struggling with addiction or know someone who is? New Hope Residential Centre is here to help. New Hope uses the Reformers Unanimous programme to help people gain the victory over addiction and find Christ at the same time.


Below is a list of some great free e-books to start your Christian library.


Done: What Most Religions Don't Tell You About The Bible

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A History of the Baptists


Have we no Rights: A Frank Discussion of the "Rights" of Missionaries

Our Top Bible Reading App

If you are looking for a simple app to help you read the Bible, we love the Tecarta Bible app. The free version contains ads not controlled by Gospel Baptist Church.

Bible Study Tools

Below is a list of resources to help you get the most out of your Bible study. Each resources below offers users access to Bible search engines, Strong’s concordance, dictionaries, commentaries, and more! Some apps have a better interface or more features than others, hence the paid services. 


Bible Hub



Bible Hub




Free on Windows

Paid on Mac



Free on Windows

Paid on Mac








Blue Letter Bible



Blue Letter Bible


Music and Podcast Resources

Below are some of our favourite music and podcast resources. You will find here sheet music to play, vocal and instrumental music to listen to, as well as Godly marriage and family advice incorporate into your life.

Add a heading

Sacred Song

Sheet Music


Abiding Radio

Christian Music Radio

Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 19.22.12

Keeping it Young

Christian Marriage & Family Podcast

Add a heading

Sacred Song

Sheet Music


Abiding Radio

Christian Music Radio

Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 19.22.12

Keeping it Young

Christian Marriage & Family Podcast

Other Independent Baptist Churches

Below is a list of the independent Baptist churches in Ireland.

Other Independent Baptist Churches

Below is a list of the independent Baptist churches in Ireland.


Neither Gospel Baptist Church, nor its leadership assumes any responsibility for the content of the sites listed below or condones any contradictory beliefs or practices maintained by the site owners. The following sites are listed for your convenience and may contain information or resources that are helpful to you. However, we hope you understand we may not be directly or indirectly associated with the sites. Gospel Baptist Church does not make any money by listing any of the below resources. If you discover one of the links is no longer working, please feel free to contact us. Thank you.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”left-to-right”]Welcome to our resource page. We believe Gospel Baptist Church should be a light into our community and around the world. One way we can better equip people is to provide resources that will help introduce people to Christ or help them grow in their relationship with Christ. As you look though this page and its links, please know we will constantly be adding items for you to grow in your faith, encourage you,  and give you the help you need to tackle the challenges of life.


Neither Gospel Baptist Church, nor its leadership assumes any responsibility for the content of the sites listed below or condones any contradictory beliefs or practices maintained by the site owners. The following sites are listed for your convenience and may contain information or resources that are helpful to you.  However, we hope you understand we may not be directly or indirectly associated with the sites. If you discover one of the links is no longer working, please feel free to contact our website manager or use the contact form to send a message. Thank you.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]*Just click on the + to expand the category and – to collapse it.



Baptist Websites in Ireland – Designed to encourage people to take time to study the Bible for themselves and discover God’s message. Includes testimonies from people whose lives have been changed by the Bible, Bible studies, mp3 messages and more.



Additional Baptist Churches in Ireland

An Carraig Baptist ChurchLimerick

Anchor Baptist Church – Waterford

Arklow Baptist Church  – Arklow

Bible Baptist Church – Ballincollig, Co. Cork

Bible Baptist Church – Carrigaline, Co. Cork

Blanchardstown Baptist Church – Blanchardstown, Dublin

Calvary Baptist Church Wilton Bishopstown, Cork

Calvary Baptist Church – Bray

Carrick Baptist ChurchCarrick on Shannon

Galway Bay Baptist Church – Galway

Good News Baptist Church – Mullingar

Hope Baptist Church  – Dundrum/Sandyford, Dublin

Lifegate Baptist Church – 2 and 3 Main Road, Tallaght, Dublin.

Lighthouse Baptist ChurchSwords

Naas Baptist Fellowship – Naas, Dublin Area

Redemption Baptist Church – Athlone

River Valley Baptist Church – Maynooth, Kildare

In Northern Ireland

Faith Baptist Church – Antrim

Northwest Baptist Church – Derry

Roe Valley Baptist Church – Limavady



Helpful Apps

MySword Bible App – Android DL | Apple DL
Abiding Radio App – Android DL | Apple DL
Olive Tree Bible Study AppAndroid DL | Apple DL

TuneIn Radio App (In all formats) to listen to BTM Radio



Bible Study Tools

Search a Bible Passage


Online Bible study tools

– 23 Popular Bible Commentaries!

Bakers Evangelical Dictionary of Theology

Crosswalk Bible Dictionary Tools (6 different sources)

– a FREE, fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package. Includes Bible, commentaries and dictionaries, readily viewed without having to “tile windows.”

Free Bible Study Charts



Additional Helpful Resources

Online Bible – – a free Online Bible for your church study. Their Online Bible contains ALL the books in the Old Testament and the King James Version, and are searchable by keywords or verses.

Bible Truth Music Radio Online – Listen to Live Streaming Godly music 24/7

Majesty Music and The Wilds Online Store Websites for God honouring Christian music

Kids 4 Truth Club Online Devotionals – Free Online Devotional Resource for Children from Equip U Ministries. EquipU is an online library of free children’s ministry resources, put together for Kids4Truth Club leaders, parents, teachers, and others working with children worldwide. It’s a massive compendium of relevant, fine-tuned materials designed to help you teach children God-focused truth in a God-focused way. Since it is web-based, EquipU facilitates efficient support and community discussion. It is a place where workers can find materials and interact with one another to share tips and tools that have improved their own ministries.

E-Sword – a FREE, fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package. Includes Bible, commentaries and dictionaries, readily viewed without having to “tile windows.”

Done by Cary Smidt Download free ebook or Download the free mp3 audiobook – This minibook explains the Gospel in crystal clear terms. The reader will journey step by step through biblical reasoning that concludes at the cross and a moment of decision.  This tool will also empower you to share the Gospel with anyone! Great for friends, loved ones, new church visitors or even yourself.

A History of the Baptists – by Thomas Armitage. A free ebook inAdobe Acrobat Reader (pdf) format. This work traces Baptists from the time of Christ through 1886.

St. Patrick’s Day Witnessing Tool (pdf format)

Something Is Missing In Ireland Tract (pdf format)

Specific Ways to Pray for Revival in Ireland (pdf format)

We Have No Rights a free ebook by Mabel Williamson (download in epub format) (mobi format) (Kindle format) a frank discussion of the “rights” of missionaries – copyright 1957 reprinted 1973 by Moody Bible Press.

One reviewer wrote: Readers of this book cannot find themselves unprovoked to some kind of thought process about how much they are willing to “die to self” in order to serve Christ. As a missionary myself, I find myself dealing with these issues daily; but anyone who really wants to follow Jesus Christ should read this very short (60 pgs in print) manifesto on how much of our “rights” we are really willing to surrender. Many books on serving in cross-cultural contexts deal with issues like time/event orientation, direct or moderated confrontation, protecting your health, and so on; but Williamson’s book serves these issues up with a very personal approach that helps the reader really consider the issues in their own hearts. The book is not really on whether or not we actually HAVE rights; we have them, but the issue is, are you willing to choose to give some things up in order to reach another?

Mabel Williamson was an American missionary to China who served under the auspices of the China Inland Mission, later known as the Overseas Missionary Fellowship. She wrote a thesis for Wheaton College “The indigenous church in the New Testament and its relation to the missionary” in 1952, and is best known for her book: “Have We No Rights.”
