Upcoming Events

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Every Saturday

10 am

Everyone is welcome to come! Meet at Gospel Baptist Church.

Pray for the Peace of Israel

Israel is God’s chosen people. Peace between Israel and Palestinian groups, the release of all remaining hostages, and for continued protection of churches in the region.

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” (Psalms 122:6)

Missionary of the Month

The Flanagan Family

Swords, CO. Dublin

Let us remember to pray for them daily. Who will contact them?

Revival Prayer Meetings

Every Tuesday, January 26 - April 1

7:00 – 7:45 am

If you are teaching in any capacity, please plan on attending. At Gospel Baptist Church.

Men’s Breakfast

Saturday, March 1

All men invited to come. Bring a friend! Please bring a breakfast item to pass. At Gospel Baptist Church.

Men’s Breakfast

Saturday, March 1

All men invited to come. Bring a friend! Please bring a breakfast item to pass. At Gospel Baptist Church.

All Church Soul-winning

Sunday, March 2

After church

All urged to come. At Gospel Baptist Church.

Prophecy Conference

Sunday-Tuesday, March 9-11

Special conference prophecy conference with Dr. Edgar Feghaly! All are encouraged to attend. At Gospel Baptist Church.

Preachers’ Meeting

Monday, March 10

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

All are welcome to attend. At Gospel Baptist Church.

Ladies' Day

Saturday, March 29

More details to follow.

Special Missions Conference Revival Meetings

Saturday-Sunday, June 14-15

Brother Bob Jones is the special speaker. Invite your friends! At Gospel Baptist Church.

⁠Teen Camp

Monday, June 23 - Friday, June 27

Teen camp will be run by GBC again this year. Please pray with us as we plan. The venue is still Faith Mission, Durrow.

More Announcements Coming Soon...