Upcoming Events

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Every Saturday

10 am

Everyone is welcome to come! Meet at Gospel Baptist Church.

Pray for the Peace of Israel

Israel is God’s chosen people. 

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” (Psalms 122:6)

Missionary of the Month

The Flanagan Family

Dublin, Ireland

Let us remember to pray for them daily. Who will contact them?

Men's Breakfast

Saturday, August 3

All men invited. Invite your friends! Fantastic turnout last time. Let’s do it again! Please bring a breakfast item to pass. At Gospel Baptist Church. Also, there will not be a men’s breakfast in September.

Special Debt Retirement Offering

Sunday, August 4

Let’s give so we can pay off our building! At Gospel Baptist Church.

Lord's Supper

Sunday, August 11

6:00 pm

All members welcome! At Gospel Baptist Church.

Ladies Breakfast

Saturday, August 17

10:00 am – 11:30 am

All ladies welcome! At Gospel Baptist Church.

More Announcements Coming Soon...