Upcoming Events

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Every Saturday

10 am

Everyone is welcome to come! Meet at Gospel Baptist Church.

Pray for the Peace of Israel

Israel is God’s chosen people. 

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” (Psalms 122:6)

Missionary of the Month

The Calin Family


 Let us remember to pray for them daily. Who will contact them?

Ladies Conference

Saturday, April 27

9:30 am – 2:30 pm

There will be a lunch, special music, a craft, a craft and book shop, fellowship, and a challenging devotional. 

Please bring: A friend, a Bible, cash for the shop, and your payment of €15.

RSVP TO: gbclucan@gmail.com (att. Dee)

Special Speaker: Mrs. Rachel Smith

Visit from Pastor Aaron Smith of Tomah Baptist Church

April 23-May 2

Missions conference will be postponed until later in the year. Faith Promise has dipped considerably over the past 3 months.  Please pray about getting current with your giving so that we can help missionaries in need!

Men's Breakfast

May 4

All men invited! Please bring a breakfast item to pass. At Gospel Baptist Church.

All-Church Soulwinning

May 5

We will stay for a small meal, and then pray, and then do leafleting afterwards. 


May 6

9:30 am – 6 pm

Bring your child so that they may learn how God can use their talents! For ages 8-18. At New Life Baptist Church, Drogheda. Please come and support our church kids and teens!

Visitor Cost: €10

Participating Child Cost: €30

Family Cost Cap: €90

Lord's Supper

May 19

6 pm

All members urged to come. At Gospel Baptist Church.

Teachers' and Teachers Assistants' Meeting

May 26

After Main Service

We will have a meal together, and then have our meeting. Please write this date down and don’t miss! At Gospel Baptist Church.

Teen's Revival Camp

Monday-Thursday, June 24-27

Teen camp will be at Drewstown House. Open to second level students. Open to second level students. Cost will be €110 per camper with discount of €5 for 2nd family member, discount of €10 for 3rd and 4th, discount of €15 for 5th, 6th etc.

Holiday Bible Club & Teen Camp

July 15-19

HBC in the Morning & Teens in the evening

Neighborhood Bible Time will be with us and helping us with out HBC and Teen Camp. We will have HBC in the morning and teen camp in the evening. Please pray for this upcoming outreach and start inviting people now! At Gospel Baptist Church

More Announcements Coming Soon...